Saturday, March 24, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!


I’m another year older.

And I’m okay with that.

I like who I am, and who I am becoming.

The year behind me was a great one.

The year ahead should be even better!



Striving to learn and live God's purposes,
post signature


Author/Psychic/Rieki Therapist; Laura Elizabeth said...

Happy birthday!

Val - Firefighter Wife said...

AS YOU SHOULD BE! I turned 39 in February and I'm darn proud of it. I've especially loved my 30's, I look even more forward to my 40's. However, I hate telling people I'm 39 because I get the whole, "yeah, how many times?" But then I get carded at the liquor store. Seriously people, I don't mind telling my age, I've earned it. Plus my seniors in my fitness class are super awesome at 80! ok, I think I created my own post here.

Happy birthday lady. You need to enjoy every minute of the day and take many deep breaths. Take in the magic that is the ONLY day that is all about you. Explain to the kids how it makes you feel special so they learn as well. Best of all teach those kids to make you breakfast ;) xoxox

janzi said...

Happy Happy birthday to you, may this year and those coming in future, be the happiest yet... You have been so brave coping with your recent events, I am sure that everyone will make a fuss of you and they should!! All the very best from the other side of the pond!! J

Glogirl said...

Happy Birthday!!