Tuesday, March 27, 2012

March is Hard!


March is hard for us most years due to Harvey’s life and death (March 14-26), but it seems to continue to compound.  This year was compounded not only by our house fire (in February) and still dealing with fears and such in regard to that, but also because of work stress for my husband.  We didn’t realize how much stress he was under until it was almost too late.  When we realized the toll this job was taking on his physical health and the health of our family unit and marriage, he decided that he needed to call it quits.


The timing of his resignation was awful – for his employer.  And we feel terrible about that, but my generally patient, though stubborn husband was having a break down.  There was no way he could continue working there.  For days after resigning, even speaking about the job had his blood pressure through the roof and he would shake uncontrollably.  His fear if he did not quit then, was that he would lose it at work and hurt himself or someone else.  Some may say it was irresponsible to quit without another job to go to, but I believe it also would have been irresponsible to be out of control and do something to put him in jail or in hospital.


And so we are unemployed / self-employed for the time being.  We are taking time to be a family again, after 6 months of J working almost 7 days a week and 10 plus hours a day.  It was the nature of the job and we kinda knew that going in, but it wasn’t just the hours that was the problem, but that’s a long story, I won’t go into.  Anyway, we need this time to recoup and regain our feet.  Jason has already put out a resume and has a number of leads on jobs.  He is also considering going out on his own, putting his skills to good use as a handy man – construction, plumbing, farming, etc.  He’s a jack of all trades and can do whatever he puts his mind to.  I hope he does it and am encouraging him to do so.


I know we still have all the “fall out” to deal with in regard to him resigning when and how he did, but we’ll face each day as it comes, just like we have in the past.  But thinking through and deciding what and how to say what needs to be said in each situation will continue to be draining until this situation is completely behind us.


We covet your thoughts and prayers as we continue to walk, slowly, through the next phase of our life including finding a builder and designing our home, going through some yearly grief and dealing with this work situation, and finding new employment, whatever that may look like.


Striving to learn and live God's purposes,
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Tracy said...

My prayers are with you and your family at this time. Sometimes it is so hard to trust that God is there but He always brings us through.Believe me we can relate. May God grant you and your family strength and comfort at this time.God Bless!

GAFlyGirl said...

bless you all. I understand fully. I hope work is understanding and that they give him a good review for all he did for them over the yrs. Praying for you all and thinking of you lots. hugs

janzi said...

WEll, that was a very brave thing to do, and I am sure your dear husband wasnt wanting to do it, but good you did for the sake of his health.. its all important being healthy and not overcome by duties and endless work. I am sure if he goes self employed he will find loads of work, just has to believe in himself and it will happen all good... Thinking of you getting through these days, as a family it will bind you all closer and that is a wonderful thing.. good luck in the future,.hugs from across the pond..j