Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Game of RISK, and Stress Away


RISK.  It’s not a game to play with toddlers around.  So many tiny pieces.  The board is so easily bumped and jostled.  I bought the game for myself as a birthday present, using the money I received as gifts from family.  I first discovered how much I love playing RISK in November or December of 2011.  I played online almost non-stop for weeks.  Since then I’ve wanted to purchase the board game to play with the older kids and friends.


Well, I read the instructions, because I’m a nerd like that, and decided that I would not be able to play with anyone of the family, except Jason, Kristyn and Cora.  And even then it would have to be the short or beginner’s version.  None of them have long attention spans.  “Rolling dice is boring.” lol.  So, I decided that after the four little ones went to bed, the older girls and I would play one round; Jason decided to join us as well and we were thrilled!


I tried to get them to play quietly, but you know how well that works with squeal-y girls who get to miss bedtime.  Before we knew it, Marrissa was up and begging to come play too.  I held firm and sent her back to bed.  Well, she decided to play the tummy ache, bad dreams, thinking about fires cards.  I had already put Peace & Calming or RutaVaLa (both essential oil blends) on her feet when I tucked her in.  I ignored her cries and pleas.  Finally, I realized she had herself so worked up that she was going to be physically sick.  I grabbed the Stress Away Roll-On on my way to the bedroom.  I told her to put it on her wrists, rub them together and then to lay down on her pillow.


I talked to her a little, calmed her down some, but she was still sniffling and sobbing and fairly worked up when I left her to return to my game of RISK.  It wasn’t very long (only a turn or two) and I realized I hadn’t heard anything from her bedroom for a while.  Sure enough, I would say in under 10 minutes, she was sound asleep.  She even mentioned the next morning how quickly she fell asleep after I gave her that oil blend.


I love it!


Oh and I won the RISK game, too. :)


Striving to learn and live God's purposes,
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